Panther (HTTP Source)

Destination Connector



This Destination Connector enables Panther's support for ingesting logs using Panther's HTTP Custom Log Format Source.


  1. Create a HTTP Custom Log Source, using the following information:
    1. Basic Information
      1. Source Name: (Name this whatever you want, e.g. Tarsal Connector)
      2. Schemas: (Leave empty)
    2. Authentication Type
      1. Auth method: Bearer
        1. Next to the Bearer Token Value field, press the "Refresh" button to generate a new Bearer Token Value. Copy this value, as it will be used in the configuration below.
    3. Click Setup
      1. While the HTTP source is being created, click the "Click here to preview your URL" button. Copy this value, as it will be used in the configuration below.
        1. If you missed this step, you can always find the HTTP Ingest URL in the Basic Info section of the Log Source
    4. Once the HTTP source has been created, you can continue configuring the connector below.


Bearer TokenyesThe Bearer Authentication Token Value for the HTTP Source
HTTP Ingest URLyesThe HTTP Source Ingest URL generated by Panther