Atlassian Jira

Source Connector


Atlassian Jira

The source connector fetches data from ​the Jira Cloud platform REST API


Data SourceStream Name
audit recordsaudit_records


  1. Find the Fully Qualified Domain Name for your account. This is your Atlassian URL.
    1. Example: If your Atlassian URL is, then your domain name will be


The following authentication options are supported by this connector:

Authentication MethodSupportedDocumentation
API Token (Basic auth)yesBasic auth for REST APIs
Connect Appcoming soonSecurity for Connect apps
Forge AppnoSecurity for Forge apps
OAuth 2.0 (3LO) appsnoOAuth 2.0 (3LO) apps

API Token

  1. Create an API Token
    1. API Tokens are associated with an Atlassian user account. Make sure the user creating the API Token is an Atlassian Administrator.
  2. Obtain the email address of a user that has Jira administrator permissions
API Token Configuration Fields
API TokenyesAPI token for an Atlassian administratorATATT3xFfGF0pSeX2...XXXXX

Connect App

  1. Install the Tarsal Connector for Jira app from the Atlassian Marketplace into your workspace
    1. The App is not yet listed on Atlassian Marketplace, therefore you will need to install it as a private app. In order to do so
      1. Enable Development Mode, found in the Settings link at the bottom of the page.
      2. Then add the app by clicking the Upload App link
        1. Descriptor URL:
  2. Add Permissions to user who installed the App
    1. Permissions required: Administer Jira global permission.
      1. Connect app minimum required scope: READ
  3. Get the security credentials for the App
    1. Navigate to Apps > Tarsal Connector for Jira Credentials. Copy the Shared Secret for use in the Tarsal configuration below.
Connect App Configuration Fields
Shared SecretyesConnect App Shared SecretATCOya5J9f...AEE6329D2


Domain NameyesDomain name for Atlassian

Connector Limitations

  1. This connector is restricted by rate limits.