AWS CloudTrail

Source Connector


AWS CloudTrail

This source connector is based on a Boto3 CloudTrail.


Data SourceStream Name
management or CloudTrail Insights eventsmanagement_events



The following authentication options are supported by this connector:

Authentication MethodSupportedDocumentation
Access Key ID and Access SecretyesManaging access keys for IAM users
IAM role authenticationyesIAM roles


The following information is needed to configure the source:

Start DatenoThe date from which you would like to replicate data. Data in CloudTrail is available for last 90 days only. Format: YYYY-MM-DD2021-01-01
Access key IDyesThe access key id for authentication to Amazon Web Services
Access SecretyesThe access secret for authenticating to Amazon Web Services
Region NameyesThe region CloudTrail is provisioned inus-east-1

Connector Limitations

  1. The rate of lookup requests for events stream is limited to two per second, per account, per region. While this connector performs retries when encountering a throttling error, if the errors continue repeatedly after multiple retries (e.g. multiple instances of this connector are using the same account and region), the connector sync will fail.