AWS CloudTrail

Source Connector


AWS CloudTrail

This source connector is based on a Boto3 CloudTrail.


Data SourceStream Name
management or CloudTrail Insights eventsmanagement_events



The following authentication options are supported by this connector:

Authentication MethodSupportedDocumentation
Access Key ID and Access SecretyesManaging access keys for IAM users
IAM role authenticationnoIAM roles


The following information is needed to configure the source:

Start DatenoThe date from which you would like to replicate data. Data in CloudTrail is available for last 90 days only. Format: YYYY-MM-DD2021-01-01
Access key IDyesThe access key id for authentication to Amazon Web Services
Access SecretyesThe access secret for authenticating to Amazon Web Services
Region NameyesThe region CloudTrail is provisioned inus-east-1

Connector Limitations

The rate of lookup requests for events stream is limited to two per second, per account, per region. This connector gracefully retries when encountering a throttling error. However if the errors continue repeatedly after multiple retries (for example if you setup many instances of this connector using the same account and region), the connector sync will fail.