
Source Connector



This source connector fetches enterprise's events (live events in near real time) from the Enterprise Events API.


Data SourceStream Name
user and enterprise eventsadmin_logs_streaming_events


Follow the instructions to create a custom app for this connector via Box's Custom Apps Manager and ensure the following:

  • Authentication Method: Server Authentication (with JWT)
  • App Access Level: App + Enterprise Access
  • Application Scopes: Manage enterprise properties

Once configured, you will need to Generate a Public/Private Key pair. You will need to copy the JSON public key from the file that is downloaded as part of the connector configuration.

Note: the app may need to be submitted for review and approved by an admin.


This source connector does not have customizable configuration fields.


The source connector authenticates using OAuth 2.0 with JSON Web Tokens.

OAuth ConfigyesJSON file content generated by Box

Connector Limitations

  1. The API requires the user to be an enterprise admin or co-admin with the permission to Run new reports and access existing reports.
  2. This connector is restricted by rate limits.