Sumo Logic

Destination Connector


Sumo Logic

This Destination Connector sends data to Sumo Logic via webhook HTTP Sources/Pushers using the HTTP Logs and Metrics concept. Every stream from a Tarsal source connector is written to the same Sumo Logic source within a Collector.



In order to configure Sumo Logic to accept data from Tarsal, you need the View Connections and Manage Connections role capabilities.

  1. Follow the Sumo Logic steps to create a Hosted Collector to receive Pusher events.
    1. Copy and save the endpoint URL of the source


Note: For each Tarsal Connector that will send data to Sumo Logic, we recommend creating an additional HTTP Logs and Metrics Source.

However, the same Collector and/streams can be used for multiple Tarsal sources.

If using multiple Hosted Collectors, then a separate Tarsal Destination connector should be created with the new endpoint URL.


Endpoint URLyesThe HTTP Source Address used to send data to the Collector

Connector Limitations

  1. This connector requires an Enterprise Suite plan